Dashboard Introduction
The dashboard is the hub of your entire wedding planning experience. We have taken the time and researched the most critical information that brides and wedding planners need to know. As expected, wedding invites and the guest count are the main focus.
The dashboard is designed to provide the exact guest count front and center. This count is real-time and updates when a guest fills out the rsvp form via your wedding website. These numbers drive many of the most important aspects of planning a wedding.
Next is an area to quickly add a single or party invite you may have forgotten when you originally bulk uploaded your invites. If you have not done that yet here is an article to make sure that uploading goes as smooth as possible.
Clicking the Single or Party Quick Add button will open a pop-up box where you can fill in the information of the individual (the main person on the invite) and if more are in the party add as many guests to that original invite as desired.
We have also included a Quick Add Registry area on the dashboard to easily add another store you have registered at. These stores and links show up on your wedding website, if enabled, and allow your guests to choose a gift without having to ask you where you are registered.
Finally, the dashboard contains a table providing details about individual invites. At a glance, you will see which guests have accepted, declined or have not responded. You can click a Manage link taking you to specific details on that particular guest. Information here shows accepted, declined, address information and their meal choice (optional). This link is where you will perform manual updates for those guests who choose not to use the website rsvp system and instead call, email or return a mailed response card to you. For more information on managing your invites see this article.
Overall, this dashboard is your Go-To resource for response tabulation. It is an exciting tool for your wedding planning experience. If you have any questions or find something isn’t working as expected feel free to contact our priority support!